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Hiv Testing kit for homes in Australia

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Hiv Testing kit for homes in Australia

Times have changed significantly as now days people who think they might have contracted HIV or have the virus present in their system can now conduct HIV test using the HIV test kit that has transformed the way the medical industry works. Today, anyone who suspects himself to be a possible carrier of this dreaded disease can get to know his status within a few minutes by conducting home tests that have been made available by many governments and ministries like the FDA in the United States. The organization such as this one has made testing for HIV quite easy...

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HIV Immunization may not be science fiction.

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HIV Immunization may not be science fiction.

In response to what has been a concerning trend of increased HIV infection, Australia has set itself an ambitious goal of no new cases of HIV infection by 2020. Over the last 20 years the number of people living with HIV within Australia has steadily increased. This is despite the availability of HIV testing centers and availability of HIV test kits allowing for HIV testing by individuals at home. One controversial approach is receiving allot of attention in the media and within the “at risk” community. PrEP which is short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication containing a combination/cocktail of...

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Safe sex may be under attack as the primary defence against HIV infection.

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Safe sex may be under attack as the primary defence against HIV infection.

A controversial new preventative pill designed to lower vulnerability to HIV infection is being described as a "game changer". The trials involving 450 gay men are being carried out in Australia. Over recent years Australia is stepping up its fight against HIV partly due to the results of 2012 in which the number of new HIV cases in Australia hit a 20 year high. Following that 20 year high Australia has not managed to reduce the new HIV infection rate. Up until now that fight has been limited to safe sex education, more HIV testing and awareness for early HIV...

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