Chlamydia Rapid Test Kit
STI Test Kit for Chlamydia. Results Within Minutes!
Chlamydia infection is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection within globally caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Many Individuals who have a Chlamydial infection are without symptoms and may not realize they are infected. In men, infection of this STI can cause a white discharge from the penis with or without a burning sensation during urination. Whilst easily treated, if left untreated, chlamydia infections can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. Home test kits for Chlamydia allow for easy detection of the bacterium.
STI Rapid Test Kit for Chlamydia includes all you need for results at home within minutes.
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.
Test easily and privately for Chlamydia
Chlamydia Symptom Information
The bacteria (Chlamydia trachomatis) causes Chlamydia and it can be present in the cervix, urethra and the vagina of an infected person. Chlamydia can also be present in the rectum of an infected person. The bacteria can also live in the throat. Any kind of sexual contact (vaginal, anal, or oral) can spread the infection. It is also not uncommon for individuals to have a chlamydia infection of the eye.
Chlamydia affects both men and women
- -A Chlamydia infection can often produce no symptoms at all. This is one of the reasons it is so wide-spread.
- -If Chlamydia infection symptoms are present they can appear up to several weeks after infection. Note, not all symptoms may be present.
Chlamydia Symptoms In Woman
- -Burning when urinating and/or abnormal vaginal discharge.
- -Abdominal or pelvic pain.
- -Increased urinary frequency
- -Rectal pain and/or discharge (if infection is in the rectum)
Chlamdyia Symptoms In Men
- -Burning sensation when urinating
- -Discharge from the penis -Increased urinary frequency.
- -Pain in the testicles.
- -Rectal pain and/or discharge (if infection is in the rectum)
In general, when symptoms do appear they are quite indicative of a sexually transmitted infection/disease (STI/STD). However, the only way to be certain is to test for Chlamydia. Testing for Chlamydia is straight forward and can be carried out by taking a swab sample of the infected area and then passing that into a test cartridge supplied with the self-test kit. The result is then displayed within the test cartridge within minutes giving a negative or a positive reaction to the bacteria.