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“A transgender prostitute accused of infecting a Western Australian client with HIV has been charged with grievous bodily harm”.

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This recent headline is a shocking wake up call for Australia as it loses the war on HIV infection rates. The underlying message here is of course safe sex prevents HIV transmission. However, a second message is highlighted by the fact that this sort of infection is nor the normal method of HIV transmission. That is the person transmitting the HIV virus to an un-expecting individual is mostly unaware they even carry the virus themselves. So ignoring this shocking headline lest look at that majority of HIV infections. They are as a result of unprotected sexual contact between with an...

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Can I catch Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea even though I used a condom?

Chlamydia Test kits Gonorrhoea Test kit

Can I catch Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea even though I used a condom?

The use of a condom during sexual contact will greatly reduce the risk of infection for most STIs. However Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are bacterial infections that are easily spread through contact. This contact is typically vaginal or anal but it is also possibly that the bacteria is spread through oral contact or through touch with the infected person. The bacteria is then passed onto an area in the individual that allows it to grow. There are cases of Chlamydia infections in the eye following oral sex for example. Once you realise that Chlamydia is a bacterial infection you will realise...

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Un-diagnosed STD/STIs increase HIV risk

STD Test STD Test Kit stds stis

Generally, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the increase. According to a Canadian study 'Research suggests that STIs can increase both an HIV-negative person’s risk of becoming infected with HIV as well as an HIV-positive person’s risk of transmitting HIV to someone else.' As many STDs/STIs such as Chlamydia can have no symptoms obvious, or at least not enough to seek medical diagnosis and as such is easy fro them to go un-diagnosed. They do however cause damage to the host such as inflamation and stress on the immune system. Almost all STIs are easily treatable once detected. Certain STDs/STIs...

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Testing Saves Lives!! (maybe yours)

hiv rapid test kits sexual health std testing sti testing

Sadly the rate of infection of STIs/STDs in Australia is on the increase. Logically the infected are aware they have been at risk yet have decided to not test. This neglect of duty, possibly through fear or lack of symptoms and education, of course, leads them to infect others. So the strapline is an individual is infected with say Chlamydia or HIV from another individual who could have and should have tested but decided not to. So what can we do to get them to decide to test? More testing, easier testing without barriers. Home testing in private with self-testing STD/STI kits puts...

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